Cigarette companies spend $8.24 billion* advertising dollars annually to seduce youth into becoming smokers. And it works - 90% of smokers acquire the habit before the age of 19. No government or private agency alone can hope to oppose the massive advertising power and influence of these corporations.
Only the people have the power to oppose the injustice being done to the young and impressionable.
We want to provide leadership in encouraging the 53.7 million in the North American school system to reject the temptations of smoking by spreading the message, “TEENS, GET OUT, GRAB LIFE SMOKE FREE!” Our goal is to provide students with the tools, information and determination to resist the cigarette companies and overcome peer pressure to begin smoking.
We will also rally business, parents and community leaders to promote the message, “IN PARTNERSHIP TO UNCOOL YOUTH SMOKING!” By involving as many influential community groups and leaders as possible, we will create good will and momentum for this extremely worthwhile initiative.
These two new logos will provide an effective rallying point for a concerted community effort to aggresively oppose youth smoking and promote healthy lifestyle alternatives.

*NY Times, May 2, 2001

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©Conrad Martin 2001